After saving, selling, earning the hard-to-earn cash i finally managed to buy a new cylinder. My current cylinder have been checked up for its compression by a pressure gauge, and its only a 120psi whereas the standard one is 156psi.
Furthermore,after the last race my liner have been..naked on a side above the exhaust port. The best solution is re-coat it with nicasil, but nowhere to be found in Malaysia. The nearest i guess would be Australia.. and the cost is almost reached the price for a new cylinder. So i went for a new cylinder instead..
I specifically ordered for B or Non-marked cylinder but the guy say 'all cylinder are same size'. He also claimed to be an NSR expert but in this case, his just an a*s. He didn't want to admit it.
i said in that case, why dont you get me an A sized piston? he replies he will look for it. What a jerk. He bought me a cylinder but no piston that would match it?
I bought only the cylinder, the head i already have..bartered it with a friend, who likes my rear hugger that i wore 2 years ago. It was my luck, the head looks new, with only a couple of rubbing,it shows the surface of a new head.
The piston & the ring is the bonus, to get it to run like a champ..well, with a tight budget i guess that needs to wait until the next paycheck..
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