It's been a long time since my last updates. The reason is i got quite a busy schedule to keep up with. Apart from that,i've been informed that i have a new visitor. I dont know that anyone would read it, so from now on i must mind my word,(yeah,right).
2 days before the race, they have brought up the engine. Well, i did inform them that i wanted to watch the assembling process but nevermind,i already expect that. Furthermore they have installed a nice bearing that my engine had never been pampered with, the SKF Enduro C4..

and the high temperature oil seal from ARS. its better grade than the original one.the other side is only NOK seal but i got another VITON oil seal,meant for car steering.(however i believe that i got cheated by the shop,because it stated NOK on the receipt)

and that completes my bottom end..
and for a more serious part, the ignition..
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