
Hi All,

Sorry for the late updates, i have been struggling with work, and with the Ninja250 at nights (It is sort-of-finished now, yeay!) so i haven't got time to update.
Long story short, here's the progress so far.
 Cleaning years of road trash and grimes...was not a fun task!
Here i highlighted some parts that needs grinding..
 ..some more...
...and some more that would bore you to death if i show it all. See some parts of it is already rusted, so a rub with sandpaper and recoat them with primer.
Primer phase is now done, and the a crack showed up! This means further delay to the painting process.
It is now being done last saturday with some MIG welding, and sandpaper and primer on the affected parts.
Flat black paint was already bought yesterda, but CLear for Flat is finished..only available next week.