During the last race meeting, we have met with a lot of people. Kips, TZM, RXZ, 135LC and 125z were their choices of machines. Unfortunately for me, the winner for that day seems to be Yamaha 125Z, ridden by Ahmad Azhar Hamid.
At the end of the race, I met with this 'senior' person, which seems to be the head mechanic for a Kips from JB. His assistant told me that he was used to tune NSR SP in the past. So when he look around my pit, i ask him for assistance regarding NSR SP. I ask him about the rim first, because my nsr is lack on this because it can only fits 1 disc only, where i really need to fit another floating disc.

He says an RS125 rim would costs me 1k front and rear. That was waay beyond my budget

But lucky for me, he said that NSR SP should change the CDI with Honda Phantom because it does not have any restriction on speed. When he mention about it size, i remembered that was the CDI that 1 of my friend had been talking about. He says it was the 1st version of SP, some says it was for Thailand spec only. But now i know, and i had ordered it from a friend, which coincidentally were planning to go to singapore. 2 weeks later, he brought it back. He tested it on his bike first before he hand them to me. From his test, he says that it could wheelie in 1st to 3rd gear. I said to myself that it is to good to be true, until i try it for myself.
I will update on this, more on next week.
bro, just wondering if you changed the cdi to honda phantom and what the result?improved performance?
the difference is not like night & day..to be honest i dont remember what a standard CDI feels like. I've been planning to do a test on the CDI's on this week,so i will update on it soon!
Wow,i thought you never read my comments lol.btw i
'm nsr rider from indo,my bike is new rr. I been reading your blog since last year, so envy thst you can actually race your bike there. Been wanting to get tht phantom cdi,it took me more than six months to locate it in indo. But before i buy it,just want to know if it worth the price as it is pretty expensive and my originl cdi working fine.
i'm so sorry i haven't read your comments.i have not update this blog since the incident.but i will update this blog soon.
regarding the CDI,it is now up for sale.feel free to enquire on drugfreegig@yahoo.com . All i can tell you it is worth it.the pickup is different than std CDI.
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