I just want to inform that i have changed job, and that means the day of window shopping is now over. I have entered the banking world. Shit. That is far from biking world. However, it also means that i can have money just to finish it in a snap. LOL
Here is the list
New Wheel.

New wheels. Front is 17 x 1.85 and the rear is 17 x 2.50. Yeah, i know it is smaller than what i used to. But it is lighter, cheaper, and i have used it before on my friends bike. I can handle it,so i guess this is gonna benefit me especially on the corner exit. My top speed is so near to the TOP rider but the laptime is not. So i guess they must have benefit it from there.
Fork Stablizer.

I have ditch the standard stabilizer years ago when i ditch the front fender. I guess the stabilizer would improve me in corner. So i made a gamble and bought a stabilizer from another bike. Damn. it wont fit as my bike is wider in terms of the fork pitch.
Another set of Ti bolts.

This is for the front brake disc, rear disc (yes i have rear brake now) and sprocket.
Pair of Brake DIsc

If you really know me, you should know that i wont settle with heavy item. I went to the land on lightness....and that means i have to buy the Aluminum centeres one. And i got a pair for that.
Renthal Clean Grips.

I always wanted one of this. I have this feeling that i would go fast when i feel comfortable with the bike. and clean grips is COMFORT. So clean grips is definitely a must buy, if i wanted the feeling of relax while racing. (freak alert)